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Basic routing

Routing is very simple in Routine just like it is in Express , but without the extra bloat

There are 5 http verb methods available to be used

get , post , put , patch & delete

All of the above accept same amount of parameters,

  1. A path string such as /xyz

  2. Comma separated handlers such as

    app.get(`/xyz`, (req, res) => {
    //route functionality

    The last route function is called main route handler and any number of functions before it are called middlewares


    The concept of middlewares in Routine is same as it is in Express , But it has some extra functionality present in them

    If you are not familiar with this concept, don’t worry, we’ll understand the workings of middleware later in the docs

    For now, let’s just focus on simple routing

Inside the handler you have the full power of Nodejs available to you with some extra methods, such as .json and .status

app.get(`/xyz`, (req, res) => {
//This will send a response to client and end the response cycle
hello: 'world?',
//This is same as above code, but shorter
// "hello": "world?"

And the above code will work with all other http verbs mentioned at the start 😀